Monday, May 2, 2011

Umur bersara

Beberapa hari ini terdapat pelbagai ulasan berkaitan umur persaraan; bagi yang mahir dengan undang-undang buruh isu umur bersara ini berkait juga dengan Faedah Penamatan dan Renti Kerja Sentara 1980 yang menjelaskan seperti berikut.

Peraturan 4
4. (1) Subject to paragraphs (2), (3) and (4), an employee shall be entitled to termination benefits payment where his contract of service is terminated for any reason whatsoever otherwise than -
(a) by the employer, upon the employee attaining the age of retirement if the contract of service contains a stipulation in that behalf;...

Saya pernah menghujahkan jumlah atau amaun yang kena bayar majikan yang meneruskan perkhidmatan pekerja selepas umur bersara haruslah mengambilkira;

the period of employment immediately prior to such renewal or re-engagement shall be taken into account for the purpose of determining the amount of termination or lay-off benefits payment payable to an employee...

Cuma jika membaca kembali keseluruhan Peraturan 4(2) itu ada kelainan dari segi kefahaman;

(2) An employee shall not be entitled to any termination benefits payment if -
(a) his contract of service is renewed, or he is re-engaged by the same employer under a new contract of service on terms and conditions which are not less favourable; and
(b) the renewal or re-engagement takes effect immediately on the ending of his employment under the previous contract;
Provided that the period of employment immediately prior to such renewal or re-engagement shall be taken into account for the purpose of determining the amount of termination or lay-off benefits payment payable to an employee...

Persoalannya adakah dua kali perlu di tegaskan ketidaklayakan faedah penamatan itu kerana umur bersara seperti peraturan 4(1)(a) yang jelas merujuk "attaining the age of retirement" dan Peraturan 4(2) tidak menyebut age of retirement tetapi mungkin merujuk keadaan "attaining the age of retirement".

"attaining the age of retirement" juga akan merujuk kepada satu bentuk "contract of service is terminated" maka ia boleh di "renewed, or re-engaged by the same employer under a new contract of service". Cuma saya tidak fikir setelah Peraturan 4 (1)(a)telah melucuthak kepada pesara-pesara maka perlu pula "period of employment immediately prior to such renewal or re-engagement shall be taken into account for the purpose of determining the amount of termination or lay-off benefits payment payable to an employee" bagi mewajibkan tempoh sebelum umur bersara diambilkira dalam menghitung tempoh perkhidmatan untuk bayar faedah penamatan.

Saya berpendapat sudah mandatori lucuthak atas faedah penamatan apabila sampai umur bersara dan jumlah faedah penamatan terbayar cuma harus meliputi tempoh selepas bersara sahaja.